Athens Photo World Award 2024

Athens Photo World Award

Athens Photo World, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and DEI (PPC, Public Power Corporation), is organising for the sixth year the annual Photojournalism Award for professional photographers living and working in Greece and/or Cyprus.

Submissions open until November 30th 2024

Athens Photo World, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and DEI (PPC, Public Power Corporation), is organising for the sixth year the annual Photojournalism Award for professional photographers living and working in Greece and/or Cyprus.

Athens Photo World will award three cash prizes to three ongoing or complete projects of photojournalism or documentary photography, created after January 2019.

  • First Prize Three Thousand Euros (€3,000)
  • Second Prize One thousand five hundred euros (1.500€)
  • Third Prize Five hundred euros (500€)

Always aiming to promote the work of photographers and photojournalists, and familiarise the public with contemporary photojournalism and its contribution to recording history as it is written, APW contributes in its own way to encouraging and enhancing their vocation and their ability to remain committed to their work and vision.

For 2024 the panel consists of photographers Michalis Karayiannis, Pepi Loulakaki and Orestis Panagiotou.

Those interested are invited to submit a portfolio of twelve to eighteen (12 – 18) photographs, explanatory text and a brief resume.

Finalists will be announced on Sunday, January 19th, 2025, at a ceremony that will be held at Miltiadis Evert auditorium, in Technopolis City of Athens

Participation in the Athens Photo World Award contest is free.

Terms and conditions

All photojournalists living and working in Greece and/or Cyprus are eligible to enter the contest regardless of their nationality except for members of APW organising team, interns, contractors, sponsors, or an immediate family member of any of the foregoing sponsors, or an immediate family member of any of the foregoing.

Caution: the photographer’s name must appear only in the submission email, BUT not appear in the File name, the caption or any other information of the pictures submitted

The photographs that make up the project submitted to the competition must have been taken from the year 2020 onwards. Exceptionally, up to 3 photos taken earlier will be accepted if deemed by the creator to be absolutely necessary for the complete narrative.

The photo must be an original creation and not a composite. Only single exposure and single frame pictures will be accepted (multiple exposures, polyptychs, stitched panoramas, either produced in-camera or with image editing software etc will not accepted).

With their participation, the photographers guarantee that they are the copyright owners of the submitted photos and that they maintain all the rights arising from their intellectual property.

The participant must certify and warrant if asked that the submitted photo(s) does not violate the rights of a third party or any copyright. In the event of a proven intellectual property conflict between the participating photographer and a third party, participation will be considered null and void.

APW is not responsible for intellectual property violations that might have resulted through the submissions of photos.

Captions can be written in Greek and/or English language

Photos submitted should be 2000pixels on their long side.

Should the project be selected in the three finalists, RAW files may be asked.

After the contest closes on Saturday, November 30th, 2024 at 23:59 Athens time, 20:59 GMT, qualifying photos will be judged on adherence to the contest challenge through its message clarity, composition and overall presentation. The jury’s decision is final. Any attempt by a participant to influence the result or subvert the photo competition will lead to immediate disqualification.

If an entrant is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, APW reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.

By submitting their photos to the APW contests, participants agree to grant APW free of charge the right to use the photo exclusively for the promotion of the contest in all media, social media and press releases. APW guarantees to mention the full name of the chosen contestant when used in its promotional material.

APW reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans or other items directly or indirectly related to the contest, at any time if extreme circumstances (e.g. earthquake, war, terrorist attack, pandemic) make such decision necessary.

The personal information provided to APW by the entrants shall only be used for the sole purposes of this contest.

All participants are entitled to access, cancel, oppose and rectify the details about the personal data (such as names, addresses, etc.) by editing their submission at any time.

Participation in the contest, in no manner constitutes an endorsement or support by APW of the entrants’ views or aims. Candidates shall not advertise or otherwise claim to have obtained any such endorsement or support.

APW name and logo are the property of APW and should not be used in any manner whatsoever without the prior consent of APW.

APW must approve in writing any statement, advertisement, press release or similar communication in any media, relating to candidate’s participation in the competition.

Contact us at

Submissions at

The contest for the Athens Photo World Award is made possible with the valuable support of,