Athens Photo World

Athens Photo World

Το ετήσιο διεθνές φεστιβάλ φωτορεπορτάζ Athens Photo World διανύει φέτος την έκτη συνεχή χρονιά της δράσης του. Παραμένουμε πιστοί στον αρχικά δηλωμένο σκοπό μας, της προβολής και ανάδειξης των σύγχρονων φωτορεπόρτερ, που δουλεύουν διαρκώς, εντός και εκτός Ελλάδας,  για να έχει το ευρύ κοινό μια εικόνα (κυριολεκτικά και μεταφορικά) της ιστορίας την στιγμή που αυτή γράφεται.

Through our annual exhibitions, both indoor and outdoor, and a range of activities, we invite viewers, whether casual passers-by or intimate acquaintances, to see photography for the supreme and universal channel of communication and knowledge that it is. We invite you to get to know the names behind the images and to see the photographs not as “beautiful” or “difficult”, but as a window that connects the many aspects of the world in which we live.

Since 2019, when Athens Photo World kicked off with the valuable help of the late Yannis Behrakis, the donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) and the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) the wager paid off: 7 exhibitions, 120 photographers, 12 speakers, 2 awards (15,000 € and 5,000 €) and more than 53,000 visitors.

During the last six years and thanks to our supporters and partners, Greek and foreign entities, public and private, Athens Photo World has always sought to make Athens a meeting point for photographers in an era of fast-moving images, news and developments.

Partners and supporters as Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), international press agencies Associated Press, Reuters, European Pressphoto Agency (EPA), Magnum Photos, the Embassies of Italy and the Netherlands in Athens, the World Health Organisation, the Czech Centre Athens, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), the University of West Attica (UniWA), the greek branch of Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF), Technopolis City of Athens, the Association of Greek Archaologists, TEDxAthens, Samsung and ΑΟΝ and entities like the City of Athens, the Municipality of Chalandri and the Municipalities of Elliniko/Argyroupolis and Peristeri have greatly contributed and made possible a variety of exhibitions and events during the past five years. Their contribution give us the drive to continue more and better ideas for the future.

The Greek capital is changing, reassessing people, values, ideas and aesthetics, and Athens Photo World seeks to give contemporary photojournalism the leading position in the cultural affairs of modern Greek life.

Photographs that have been journalistic reference points and photographers whose work has inspired new generations of creators, make Athens the centre of live and combatant photojournalism, emerging from the narrow frames of a screen and standing before us in prints that are large, imposing and as real as they can be in order to say “Look”.

Every year and during the ten days of the APW events, the residents and visitors of Athens come face to face with the global daily life of the planet through the gaze and the work of experienced and acclaimed photographers. The city’s dynamic gains more visitors every year.

At selected points of the urban web of the centre, which are key to the commute of the public at all times of the day, every year the photos of Greek and guest photojournalists will reveal moments of the everyday life of different cities on the planet, close to us or far away. Street scenes, scenes of joy and anguish, scenes of social unrest and conflict, scenes of sports glory and cultural beauty, the everyday life of the world that surrounds us through photographs published in major news media and awarded in important competitions come to the Athenian audience, contributing to the active role of the Greek capital in the contemporary international cultural scene.

Large prints on canvas, placed in locations where the crowd can stand and look at them, enrich the familiar image of Athens with scenes of the same urban rhythm from other parts of the planet. Other places, other people, other colors and gazes will anticipate the crowd as a surprise, as a revelation, as an instant journey and new knowledge.

Athens Photo World 2024 runs this year in a renewed format, keeping its popular outdoor exhibitions at the railings of the National Garden and Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall. This year’s edition is made possible with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and the valuable support of DEI (PPC/Public Power Corporation), the City of Athens through Culture, Sports and Youth Organisation (OPANDA) and the National Garden, Megaron the Athens Concert Hall and Associated Press news agency.

The Athens Photo World organising team:

Thanassis Stavrakis

AP Chief Photographer Greece, Cyprus, Albania and North Macedonia
Artistic Director

Yannis Kolesidis

A/EPA Photographer – Photojournalist based in Athens
Curator – Digital Projections Coordinator

Christina Kalligianni

Photographer, Doctor of Panteion University
General Coordination

Regular Partners of Athens Photo World since 2019

Vaggelis Tatsis

Photographer, Curator and Design Manager (exhibition Eyewitness/Yannis Behrakis, exhibition As I was Dying/Paolo Pellegrin, exhibition World Health Organization, 75 years of progress and challenges), exhibition installation coordinator (As I was Dying/Paolo Pellegrin, World Press Photo 2021, 2022, Award-winning photographers 2021, 2022 )

Dora Lavazou

Photographer, Curator (workshop and exhibition of teen photographers 2019, 2021 and 2022)

Lefteris Pitarakis (2019 – 2022)

ΑΡ videographer

Athens Photo World is always dedicated to the memory and 30year work of Yannis Behrakis